Engineers have a unique responsibility to communicate technical concepts to a larger audience. Traditionally, that is done with words and numbers. However, communication in images offers intriguing “statements without words.” Visual imagination combined with technical skill can produce astonishing—and deeply informative—images. We encourage you to participate in our next annual challenge!

To celebrate the visual aspects of agricultural and biological engineering, Resource magazine asks you to submit one or more entries in any or all of three categories: photographs/captured images; illustrations/drawings; and informational/explanatory graphics. Entries are due the November 1.

The VisualChallenge is an opportunity to be creative and to show those outside the ABE field: "This is what we do." Use your entry to convey the beauty and meaning of your work, your research developments, and your Society community. Submit original work as an email attachment in JPG format (300 dpi or higher) to Resource Managing Editor. Enter "VisualChallenge" in the subject line, and include your full name, professional affiliation, contact information, and a title with a brief description of your entry in your message. If necessary, include a source credit and an assurance that permission has been granted to submit, and possibly reprint, the entry. Multiple entries are welcome.

The winning entries are selected by Resource staff and are now published in the January/February issue. See the winners below from past years since it began in 2010.

2025 2024  2023  2022  2021  2020  2019  2018  2017  2016  2015  2013  2012  2010