Scope: ISO TC on Data-Driven Agrifood Systems
Standardization in the field of big-picture, data-driven, principled-decision-making, multi-objective optimization of agricultural and food systems. This includes interoperability challenges such as:
   Agrisemantics;
   Sustainability models, metrics and data in agrifoodsystems;
   Livestock activities data management
   Greenhouse, controlled environment, and urban farming
 Excluded: standardization covered by ISO/TC 34 “Food Products” and ISO/TC 23 SC 19 “Agricultural Electronics”. A strategic objective of the proposed Data-Driven Agrifood Systems committee is to concentrate expertise on data management to serve as a resource for other relevant committees and where appropriate, work in liaison and in joint projects with existing committees


Chair for the US TAG: Mr. Brent Kemp, AgGateway
ASABE Administrator: Ms. Jean Walsh


Press release from ASABE regarding US TAG TC 347, Data-driven agrifood systems

LinkedIn article on TC 347

Press release from ANSI, May 6, 2024

Thank you for your interest in the new ISO US TAG  347, for Data-driven Agrifood Systems administered by ASABE. 

Annual membership in ASABE is not a requirement to participate in this work but it is highly encouraged as the modest annual dues help to pay for the administrative support we provide. We have instituted a fee schedule based on the status of participation you are interested in for this new ISO TAG. To see cost and benefits of becoming an ASABE member, select the "JOIN" button in the upper right corner.

A non-member information form can be found to the right to complete and return it if you do not wish annual ASABE membership. If you do wish to become a member, follow this link for registration and please send  an email to verify your selection to Jean Walsh. You will be sent an invoice for the participation fee and instructions when notice of your selection is received. The fee structure is dependent on your ASABE membership status.

Registration will be completed upon receipt of the member information form/ASABE membership and annual fee payment.


Fee Scale for US TAG TC 347 Data-driven Agrifood Systems participation via ASABE

ASABE member                  Voting               $300

ASABE member                  Observing        $100

Non-ASABE member          Voting              $500

Non-ASABE member         Observing        $150

Students - contact

Note: Any single organization is limited to 3 Voting members in any TC or SC. 

All other members from that organization will be assigned Observing status

US TAG TC 347 Event Listing

July 9, 2024, International Workshop Agreement (IWA), virtual, details.

Tentative date ranges for US TAG TC 347 member gatherings, more information to come. Save the dates.

June 10-12, AgGateway Mid-year Meeting, Altoona, IA

November 11-13, AgGateway Annual Meeting, Austin, TX