From the Executive Director
Thank you for the generosity with ASABE’s Giving Tuesday campaign this year! We received nearly $27,000 given to 11 unique funds. And the best part is that the Foundation will match these donations dollar for dollar. The new Circular Bioeconomy Systems Institute fund received an impressive $16,057!
Early in the new year, watch for an email with the subject line “VOTE in the ASABE 2024 Election.” The email will include instructions on how to vote. The election goes live on January 11, and we have an incredibly strong group of candidates led by President-Elect Sherry Hunt. Check out all the candidates’ backgrounds here. The ballot will also include a proposal to establish a new ASABE council, the Strategic Initiatives Council. Since adding a fifth council requires a change to the Constitution, it requires a vote by the membership.
Want to learn more about the Strategic Initiatives Council proposal? I encourage you to read Bill Harriott’s excellent Last Word in the last Resource. Watch for Angela Green-Miller’s article in the January/February issue of Resource, and take part in the Q&A webinar planned for January 10, just prior to the release of the ballot. You can submit questions about the Strategic Initiatives Council in advance of the webinar.
Lastly, from all of us at ASABE headquarters, we wish you a healthy and prosperous 2024!
Darrin J. Drollinger
Executive Director
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Join us in California for #ASABE24!
Find all available details on the meeting website,
Call for Abstracts Closes January 20
There are only a few weeks left to submit your annual meeting abstract! The submission portal remains open through January 20 for your opportunity to present at AIM and include your corresponding meeting paper in the Technical Library.
Get Involved!
Member involvement drives the success of our meetings. Here are some ways that you can get involved:
- Contact one of the Technical Community program chairs, find out if they are still looking for session moderators.
- Join or expand your involvement with our committees and plan to attend any meetings held in Anaheim. All are open door. The committee meeting schedule will be posted in the spring.
- Host a Continuing Professional Development Course. Have a specified skill that you think others could benefit from? Fill out the form here.
- Have a great location for a tour? Let us know! Be the host and fill out this form.
- Are you the chair of your special interest community? Host a social or a business meeting. Contact Jessica Bell to learn more.
- Be a sponsor or exhibitor. We have some great options available!
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Learn More about the Proposal to Add a Fifth Council
This year's leadership ballot will contain a constitutional amendment that would add a fifth council to the Society's governance structure. Emerging from work conducted by a task force, the proposed council would give a structure for emerging initiatives with potential for providing strategic growth and increased impact for ASABE.
Join us on January 10 for a live webinar to learn more. Register and submit questions here.
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Society Leadership Candidates Announced
As nominee for president, ASABE Fellow Sherry Hunt leads the list of candidates on the ballot for the 2024 election of Society officers. Also, on the ballot this year is a potential change to the constitution to allow for the addition of a fifth council, Strategic Initiatives Council.
Corporate members with a valid email address will be sent balloting instructions on January 9 from Intelliscan. Voting will open electronically beginning January 11 with a personalized, secure link sent to your email, again from Intelliscan. If you need special accommodations, please contact Joann McQuone (269/932-7022).
Balloting will close March 1, 2024.
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The Foundation and Society are seeking a Development Officer with experience, resourcefulness and initiative to lead the revitalization and expansion of our fundraising and development efforts, helping us to put in place a first-rate fundraising program. The development effort is in its growing stages, working to take donor engagement, stewardship, and awareness of the agricultural and biological engineering profession to the next level.
A collaborative spirit, enthusiasm for establishing and integrating a donor relations program, providing input and guidance for the creation of marketing tools, and organizing strategic fundraising campaigns are important to expand and strengthen the ASABE initiatives.
Complete details of this position can be found here.
Last Call for Giving Back Fund Proposals
ASABE members have servants' hearts and can often be found sharing their engineering expertise with vulnerable communities. If you're engaged in or considering a humanitarian engineering project that could benefit from financial support, the Giving Back Fund can help. The fund exists to showcase the expertise and impact of agricultural and biological engineers.
Submissions are due to ASABE headquarters by December 31 of each year.
Contact Dolores Landeck for additional information.
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New Editor in Chief Sought
The search continues for a new editor in chief of ASABE Journals. The EIC oversees the entire peer-review process and provides strategic guidance for ASABE journals. Please see the details and description of the position if you are interested in applying.
Send a cover letter and your curriculum vitae to The cover letter should include a description of experiences in journal editorial roles and a vision for the ASABE journals.
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Your Exclusive Member Benefits
Are You Taking Full Advantage?

ASABE's Technical Library contains more than 35,000 documents, with more added every month. Your ASABE membership grants you access to all of them.
Additionally, members may also download up to five free standards each year.
Have You Renewed Your Journal Subscriptions?
Technology is changing rapidly and ASABE journals can help you keep pace with important developments that affect your career. Renew your ASABE journal subscriptions now!
For the 2024 prices, visit our website or contact
Journal of the ASABE
Applied Engineering in Agriculture
Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health
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PEI Turns 30—Stories Wanted!
ASABE's Professional Engineering Institute (PEI) is celebrating its 30-year anniversary in 2024!
To mark the milestone, throughout the coming year we will highlight some outstanding professional engineers, including their contributions to the agricultural and biological engineering exam and to ASABE.
If you have taken the PE exam, please take few minutes to complete our short survey. Your answers will help us give PEI the celebration it deserves!
PEI promotes engineering registration, helps registered engineering retain competency, and helps other members become licensed. It provides a forum for engineers on issues that impact the profession. The institute also works to enhance the credibility of agricultural engineers in the engineering community, and to promote ASABE to the industry and the public.
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ASABE–CNH Industrial Scholarship Winners Announced
A SABE is pleased to announce this year's winners of the ASABE–CNH Industrial Undergraduate Scholarship. The four winners are:
William Faulkner, University of Kentucky
Laura Landis, Texas A&M University
Samuel Meyer, South Dakota State University
Charles Sebright, Purdue University
Each will receive a scholarship worth $2500 to use toward their degrees in agricultural and biological engineering and related fields. Read the full story
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Blue Ribbon Entries Due January 25
Blue Ribbon Awards are presented each year by ASABE in recognition of outstanding effort and achievement in the development of noteworthy educational materials. If you've produced materials that you believe are worthy of recognition, be sure to submit your entry by January 25, 2024.
For more information, visit the Blue Ribbon Award page.
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Honoring Outstanding Standards Developers
Each year, ASABE recognizes the significant efforts of those teams who devoted time and energy to revision and development of ASABE Standards during the previous calendar year. To be considered for this award, nominations must be submitted by the chair of the committee responsible for the standard by March 1, 2024.
For further information please contact Carla Companion
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Are we meeting your needs?

Are you a student who's received a free ASABE undergraduate student membership?
Please fill out our brief survey to help us better serve you!
ISO Standards Available to Students and Faculty
As the U.S. member body of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ANSI has been authorized to provide, upon request, complimentary access for students and faculty to selected standards currently available in the ISO collection. Certain standards from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) may also be made available upon request.
These collections are comprised of nearly 20,000 standards, which can be made available to U.S. faculty and students in all disciplines in institutions of higher learning throughout the United States.
More information can be found online.
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Lunch and Learn: Ag Electrification
Join the Central Illinois section on January 18 at 1 pm for a Lunch and Learn session: "Electrification in the Ag Industries—Upcoming Technology and Applications."
Registration is required.
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2024 AETC – Keynote Announced; Early Rates End Soon

2024 Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference
February 11–14, 2024
Louisville, Kentucky
We're pleased to announce our keynote speaker, Brad Berron, who will present "Innovations Shaping the Future of Kentucky Bourbon," on Monday, February 12.
The day also includes concurrent CPDs, technical sessions, committee meetings and the Student Industry social at Tavern on Fourth. And that is just Monday! Find details for sessions and schedules online now.
Register by January 7 to take advantage of Early Bird rates, and be sure to secure your hotel room at the Hyatt before January 20, rooms will sell out fast!
Details on the program, registration, student activities, sponsorship options, and more can be found online.
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New Additions to the ASABE Technical Library
Open Access Articles, Special Collection Articles, New Journal Issues
Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 29(4)
Recent Standards Activities
Approved Projects
- X615.3, Cotton Module Cover Material Performance X27850, Tractors for agriculture and forestry — Falling object protective structures — Test procedures and performance requirements
- ASAE D271.3 DEC2023, Psychrometric Data
Press Releases
- December18, 2023, ASABE Revises Psychrometric Data Standard (Press release)
Approved Projects Revisions Press Releases
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