Recognized document: a document that a committee of designated experts has reviewed and deemed relevant to industry interests. These documents are additional suggested resources.
Working among many standards development organizations covering various industries or topics, our members tend to find and use non-ASABE standards and documents that may be relevant to their needs. Technical committees can now build a shareable list of such potentially useful documents by subjecting them to expert review for relevance.
The purpose of the list is to provide an alternative to adopting international standards that ASABE has not pursued because of the resources required. The option of a list of recognized documents, both international and national, allows ASABE to serve as an effective user base. This list will note important and relevant documents related to ASABE areas of interest in agriculture and biosystems to members, users, the public, trade associations, and regulators.
Any document developed by an accredited SDO may be considered for inclusion on the recognized documents list. If you would like to see a document from another SDO be recognized on the list, please submit your request to the appropriate ASABE technical committee leadership. If you do not know who should be receiving the request, you can contact ASABE Standards Staff and they will direct the request to the appropriate technical committee.
The main criterion for recognition is that the document meets the needs of industry and organizations involved in agricultural and biological systems. The document will be reviewed by the relevant ASABE technical committee and must be approved by ballot.
The selection of, and conformance to, any recognized document is the responsibility of the user. Neither ASABE staff nor technical committee members will provide interpretation.
The list will be updated as committees review and approve relevant documents. Individual documents will be evaluated periodically, and international standards from the list may be nationally adopted as necessary. Current national standards or documents from other SDOs that are on the list are property of and copyrighted to that organization. Documents are not available through ASABE and may be purchased from outside resources.
ASABE Recognized Documents Approval Procedures