Student Newsletter

Graduate Student Edition

It's the season for midterms, and spring break—as well as deadlines for ASABE scholarships and competitions, and for taking advantage of the career resources your ASABE membership provides.


Upcoming Deadlines


Hard work deserves recognition! Apply now for our prestigious awards and scholarships. 

Boyd-Scott Graduate Research Award
Deadline: March 15

William J. Adams, Jr. & Marijane E. Adams Scholarship
Deadline: March 15

ASABE Foundation Engineering Scholarship
Deadline: March 15

Bioprocess Startup Competition
Deadline: April 15

Fountain Wars
Deadline: April 15

Student Honor Award
Deadline: April 20

International 1/4 Scale Tractor Student Design Competition
Deadline: May 15

AGCO National Student Design Competition
Deadline: May 15

K.K. Barnes Student Paper Award Competition
Deadline: May 15

Gunlogson Environmental Design Open Competition
Deadline: May 15


Robotics Student Design Competition
Deadline: June 1




Bioprocess Startup Competition

Registration Deadline: April 15

Learn More & Register


About: This “shark tank” competition encourages students to develop a new product or process that utilizes a unique biological resource. Students design a product or process, conduct any necessary experimentation, testing, and/or modeling, and write a brief report describing their design and marketing of the product or process; a physical prototype is not required for competition. 

Eligibility: The competition is open to all ASABE undergraduate and graduate student members. A written report is required, and the top three teams will attend the 2024 ASABE annual meeting to make their pitch. Additional requirements apply.

Congratulations to the winners of the Student Poster Competition held at last month's Agricultural Equipment Technology Conference.

From left: ASABE President Doug Otto presented awards to Jacob Sizemore and Louie Harris, both from Auburn University, and Eli Barrow, of the University of Kentucky.


2025 Annual International Meeting


Join Us in Toronto!


Take Your Chance on #ASABE25

It could be one of the best career investments you make
  • It's your chance to hear from experts in the profession—choose from hundreds of technical sessions
  • Your chance to check out professional opportunities at the Career Fair
  • Your chance to meet and present your work to professionals from around the globe
  • Your chance to get involved in our Young Professionals Community
  • Your chance to earn prizes and recognition in our student competitions
  • Your chance to sharpen your presentations with a free AIM Presentation workshop
  • Get to know other young professionals at the YPC Social and Sunday morning's Fun Run
  • Your chance to explore one of the world's great cities, in the company of friends, plus optional tours to Niagra Falls and Holland Marsh
Explore the Program

YPC Logo

Check out the activities planned for #ASABE25 by your Young Professionals Community. And get involved!
Explore Activities

Did You Miss Today's Webinar?

Get Acquainted with Our Circular Bioeconomy Systems Institute


Circularity is the future, and we're leading the transformation. 


Photo of Erin WebbLearn what's going on in CBSI and how you can get involved, even as a student.

Watch the free webinar presented earlier today by CBSI Chair Erin Webb and other CBSI leaders. 

Watch Now



Did You Know?

ASABE Career Center

Your ASABE Membership Gives You Access to Our Career Center

Our Career Center is a valuable resource for ASABE members. If you're ready to start your career, it's a great place to post your resume and look for open positions and internships.

See how we can help!



When Jealously Comes Between Colleagues 


You're clicking along on a great project and getting noticed for your work. Your teammates congratulate you on your success. . . most of them. A questionable remark or distancing can have you wondering whether a colleague isn't altogether happy for your achievement. That's not only disappointing, it can be the start of an unhealthy work environment.

How to handle? Start by verifying your assumptions, then follow these tips for getting things back on track.


Award, Competition & Scholarship Directory

All ASABE Awards


Pharos of Alexandria Global Learning Award
Robert E. Stewart Engineering-Humanities Award
Roger R. and Laura M. Yoerger Preprofessional Engineer of the Year Award
Student Honor Award
Student Mile Award


Pharos of Alexandria Global Learning Award
Robert E. Stewart Engineering-Humanities Award  

All ASABE Competitions


AGCO National Student Design Competition
Bioprocess Startup Competition
ASABE Robotics Student Design Competition
K. K. Barnes Student Paper Award Competition
Fountain Wars Student Design Competition
International 1/4 Scale Tractor Student Design Competition
Open Format - Gunlogson Environmental Design Student Competition
AIM Student Oral/Poster Presentation Competition


Bioprocess Startup Competition
ASABE Robotics Student Design Competition
Boyd-Scott Graduate Research Award
International 1/4 Scale Tractor Student Design Competition
AIM Student Oral/Poster Presentation Competition

All ASABE Scholarships


William J. Adams, Jr. & Marijane E. Adams Scholarship
ASABE Foundation Scholarship


John C. Nye Graduate Fellowship

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
Dolores Landeck, Editor

Copyright © 2025 ASABE, All rights reserved.
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