Editorial Board

Associate Editors

This peer-reviewed journal publishes research that advances the engineering of agricultural, food, and biological systems. Submissions must include original data, analysis or design, or synthesis of existing information; research information for the improvement of education, design, construction, or manufacturing practice; or significant and convincing evidence that confirms and strengthens the findings of others or that revises ideas or challenges accepted theory.

Why publish with us? Meet our previous Editor in Chief.

Read our journal descriptions to see which one is best for your content. Article types include research, research briefs, review, frontier, editorial, and perspective. You may also initiate a special collection or participate in an existing open special collection.

ASABE publishes Journal of the ASABE six times a year. Open Access may be purchased for your article.

Read about publishing in Navigating the Publication Process: An ASABE Journals’ Perspective. Review the 2019 journal survey results in Changes to ASABE Journals Guided by Member Feedback.


New NRES Open Access Journal

The new Journal of Natural Resources and Agricultural Ecosystems will begin publishing in January 2023. You can submit manuscripts to it using ScholarOne. Contact NRES Community Editor Kati Migliaccio (UF) for questions regarding the new NRES journal.

Journal Name Change

This peer reviewed journal, Journal of the ASABE, from 2006 to 2021 was formerly named Transactions of the ASABE. This change was made by the Journal Editorial Board after considering a number of different titles.

Page Charges Revised

The ASABE Journal Editorial Board implemented a new pricing structure for article processing charges. Under the new structure, members will receive the first three pages at no charge, pages four to seven are $100 each, and pages eight and over are $200 each. For non-members, only the first page has no charge.

The Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health charges follow the same structure, but at half the per-page charge due to its smaller page size. See more details at https://www.asabe.org/APC.

Discount for Publishing Your AIM 2025 Presentation in Our Journals

Further develop your AIM non-refereed presentation into a high-quality peer reviewed manuscript, submit to the ASABE journals, and receive a page charge discount of $100 or 10%, if over 10 pages for the final layout. You must be registered for the annual meeting, present your work at the AIM, and submit your manuscript to ScholarOne by October 1, 2025. Note that all manuscripts must go through our high-quality review process to be published in the ASABE journals. When uploading to ScholarOne, at the end of Step 1: Type, Title, & Abstract, be sure to select the special collection Annual International Meeting (AIM) Discount and include in your cover letter your AIM paper number and title. The title of the submitted journal manuscript must be similar to that of the AIM paper.

Our Word templates for AIM papers and journal manuscripts are very similar. Authors can copy their AIM paper content into the journal template, excluding information that is specific to AIM. Highlights will need to be added to the journal manuscript. Word styles may look a little different from journal styles, however, the style names are the same and should be updated appropriately.

Editor's Choice

Surface Irrigation in the Lower Mississippi River Basin: Trends and Innovations

Between 1950 and 2017, there was a 12-fold increase in irrigated area in Arkansas and a doubling in Louisiana. Groundwater provides over 90% of the irrigation water applied to the 4 Mha of cropland in the LMRB. Ongoing efforts to address aquifer declines have been multi-faceted and include those of producers, public institutions, and private organizations.

Recent Special Collections

Circular Food and Agricultural Systems (CFAS)

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in Agriculture

Computer Modeling and Statistics for Agriculture

Preferential Flow and Piping in Riparian Buffers

Agricultural Conservation Practice Effectiveness

6th Decennial National Irrigation Symposium

Global Water Security

More collections

Call for Papers


The following collections are open to submissions of manuscripts from anyone with relevant content. Please include a cover letter file with your submission that states the name of the collection chosen. Also, choose the special collection name from the list in ScholarOne Step 1.

Water Quality Monitoring: Technologies and Data Stewardship for Low Cost, High-Frequency, and In Situ Data Collection

Organizers and Guest Editors:
Kati Migliaccio, Editor, Natural Resources & Environmental Systems (NRES), ASABE Journals
Debabrata Sahoo, Special Collection Coordinator/Guest Associate Editor, NRES, ASABE Journals
Daren Harmel, Guest Associate Editor, NRES, ASABE Journals
Adel Shirmohammadi, Guest Associate Editor, NRES, ASABE Journals
Heather Preisendanz, Guest Associate Editor, NRES, ASABE Journals
Anita Thompson, Guest Associate Editor, NRES, ASABE Journals

See the Call for Papers flyer for more details and contact information. Articles will be published in our hybrid Journal of the ASABE and Applied Engineering in Agriculture or our open access Journal of Natural Resources and Agricultural Ecosystems. Review our journal descriptions before submitting.

This special collection aims to provide the state-of-the-science and guidance related to lower cost, more practical, higher frequency, and/or in situ technologies. This collection will aid stakeholders and practitioners in collecting flow (discharge) and water quality data (e.g., pathogen, sediment, nutrients) at the small watershed scale in urban and rural settings. It will form the basis for an eventual standard(s) to complement the existing ASABE Engineering Practice 621 on model calibration and evaluation, offering robustness to data collection efforts, enhancing the value of monitoring results, and instilling greater confidence in policy recommendations.


Submissions manuscripts by 9/15/2025
First decision 11/1/2025
Final acceptance 2/1/2026

Ecosystem Evapotranspiration: Advances, Challenges, and Future Needs in Measurement, Modeling, and Application

Organizers and Guest Editors: Devendra Amatya and Suat Irmak

See the Call for Papers flyer for more details and contact information. Articles will be published in our hybrid Journal of the ASABE and our open access Journal of Natural Resources and Agricultural Ecosystems. Review our journal descriptions before submitting.

Emerging innovative methods, models, tools, and technologies offer promises in advancing both our ability to accurately quantify ET and our understanding of plant water use at different scales; such knowledge will be critical for developing effective management strategies to cope with emerging water resource and related challenges. This special collection will include original research or review articles focused on, but not limited to, above topics on Ecosystem Evapotranspiration.


Submissions manuscripts by 4/14/2025
Author notification 5/12/2025
First review completion 7/31/2025
Revision 8/31/2025
Final acceptance notifications 9/30/2025
Target publication Nov/Dec 2025

Sustainable Groundwater in Agriculture

Organizers and Guest Editors: Isaya Kisekka, Michele Reba, Debasmita Misra, Thomas Harter, Andrew M O'Reilly, Cameron Holley

See the Call for Papers flyer for more details and contact information. Articles will be published in our hybrid Journal of the ASABE and our open access Journal of Natural Resources and Agricultural Ecosystems. Review our journal descriptions before submitting.

This special collection will include a select number of presentations from the 3rd International Conference, “Toward Sustainable Groundwater in Agriculture: Linking Science and Policy” held in San Francisco California from June 17-20, 2024. We welcome papers from a wide range of topics related to the sustainable use of groundwater in agriculture.


Open for submissions 9/1/2024
Collection closes 11/1/2025

Constructed Wetlands

Aaron Mittelstet and Tiffany Messer, Associate Guest Editors
Kati Migliaccio, Community Editor, Natural Resources & Environmental Systems, ASABE Journals
Garey Fox, Editor-In-Chief, ASABE Journals

See the Call for Papers flyer for more details and contact information. Articles will be published in the 2024 issues of our open access Journal of Natural Resources and Agricultural Ecosystems. Review our journal descriptions before submitting.

This special collection welcomes papers from a wide range of topics related to the design, effectiveness and challenges of constructed wetlands, including floating treatment wetlands and their impact on the local ecosystem. Experts from within ASABE as well as other synergistic disciplines are invited to participate.


Manuscript submission 9/15/2024
First decision 11/30/2024
Final acceptance 12/31/2024

Regenerative Agriculture

Srinivasulu Ale, Meetpal Kukal, and Xiaoyu Feng, Associate Guest Editors
Kati Migliaccio, Community Editor, Natural Resources & Environmental Systems, ASABE Journals
Garey Fox, Editor-In-Chief, ASABE Journals

See the Call for Papers flyer for more details and contact information. Articles will be published in the 2024 issues of our open access Journal of Natural Resources and Agricultural Ecosystems or hybrid Journal of the ASABE and Applied Engineering in Agriculture. Review our journal descriptions before submitting.

This special collection welcomes papers from a wide range of topics and community contributions related to evaluation of multidimensional impacts of regenerative agricultural practices, including, but not limited to, (1) biophysical impacts, i.e., on soil-plant-atmospheric continuum, resource use efficiency, etc.; (2) environmental, economic, and social outcomes; and (3) technological innovations that streamline and promote adoption of such practices. Experts from within ASABE as well as other synergistic disciplines are invited to participate.


Manuscript submission 6/30/2025 (extended)
First decision 9/15/2025
Final acceptance 12/15/2025

Cyberbiosecurity: Securing Water and Agricultural Systems

Organizer: Feras A. Batarseh, Special Collection Coordinator/Guest Associate Editor

See the Call for Papers flyer for more details and contact information. Articles will be published in the 2024 issues of Journal of the ASABE and Applied Engineering in Agriculture.

As it is becoming increasingly evident, more data are being collected via digital and sensor technologies at water and agricultural systems. Such data are used for intelligent decision making, precision farming, smart irrigation, agricultural production, physical systems control, water quality measurement, and agricultural sustainability.

Consequently, the security and safety of agricultural and water resources are now, more than any other time, connected to digital tools (such as drones), artificial intelligence (AI), and data engineering exercises; and hence, directly affected by Cybersecurity. Cyber attacks are on the rise in all domains; affecting the security of systems, algorithms, and data; biological systems are not an exception (hence the term: Cyberbiosecurity).

This collection presents works that survey, envision, redesign and/or develop methods for (including but not limited to):

  • safeguarding data and algorithms in all forms of biological systems,
  • protecting and mitigating against cyber-attacks,
  • data governance,
  • AI-driven methods for bio-security and data management,
  • data/AI engineering best practices related to water and agricultural systems,
  • the application of data/AI methods by farmers and operators,
  • optimizing data science aspects such as data wrangling and preprocessing,
  • AI/data-driven outlier detection and mitigation,
  • data assurance and quality challenges,
  • AI algorithms’ deployment and management,
  • the assurance and validation of AI algorithms,
  • data/AI-driven environmental laws and policies’ analysis,
  • securing sensors and other forms of digital technology in biological systems contexts,
  • detecting cyber breaches, ransomware, data poisoning attack and all forms of adversarial breaches, as well as,
  • other tangential and related research areas.


Manuscript submission 3/31/2024
Publication 9/30/2024

Upcoming Collections

Evapotranspiration Symposium

Organizer: Devendra Amatya
The collection will be based on presentations at the 2nd ASABE Global Evapotranspiration Symposium to be held October 23-27, 2023 at Penn State.

Frequently Cited

Review our most highly cited journal articles or see some of our most frequently cited below.

Model Evaluation Guidelines for Systematic Quantification of Accuracy in Watershed Simulations

The Soil and Water Assessment Tool: Historical Development, Applications, and Future Research Directions

SWAT: Model Use, Calibration, and Validation

Estimation of Soil Water Properties

Hydrologic and Water Quality Models: Performance Measures and Evaluation Criteria

Subsurface Drip Irrigation: A Review

Improved APEX Model Simulation of Buffer Water Quality Benefits at Field Scale

Detection of Surface and Subsurface Defects of Apples Using Structured- Illumination Reflectance Imaging with Machine Learning Algorithms

Shake-and-Catch Harvesting for Fresh Market Apples in Trellis-Trained Trees

A Relaxation Model Based on the Application of Fractional Calculus for Describing the Viscoelastic Behavior of Potato Tubers


Using LiDAR to Measure Alfalfa Canopy Height

DRAINMOD-P: A Model for Simulating Phosphorus Dynamics and Transport in Drained Agricultural Lands: I. Model Development

Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Leaf Nitrogen Estimation in Corn Using Multispectral UAV Images

Field Performance of a Solid Set Canopy Delivery System Configured for High-Density Tall Spindle Architecture Trained Apple Canopies

Recent Open or Public Access

Soil Particle Modeling and Parameter Calibration for Use with Discrete Element Method

Coupling a Pest and Disease Damage Module with CSM-NWheat: A Wheat Crop Simulation Model

Pixel-Based Calibration and Atmospheric Correction of a UAS-Mounted Thermal Camera for Land Surface Temperature Measurements

Comparative Non-Darcian Modeling of Subsurface Preferential Flow Experimental Observations in a Riparian Buffer

Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Edible Vegetable Frying Oils

Perspective: Preferential Flow in Riparian Buffers: Current Research and Future Needs

Validation and Development of Discharge Equations for 3D Printed Flumes for Flow Monitoring

An Automated Incubator for Rearing Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Hermetia illucens)


Outstanding Associate Editors for 2023

The high quality of ASABE peer­ reviewed journal publications could not be maintained without the dedicated service of associate editors, who spend hours working closely with reviewers, authors and editors during the peer review process for each manuscript.

  • Ruth Book
  • Brendan Higgins
  • Farzaneh Khorsandi
  • Michael Sama
  • Sanjay Shah
  • Shaojin Wang
  • Wei Wang

Outstanding Reviewers for 2022

Our peer­ reviewed journals could not be successful without reviewers willing to spend hours evaluating author manuscripts and making suggestions for improvements.

  • Salah Issa
  • Tamie Veith
  • Yuzhen Lu
  • Tom Way
  • Paul Colaizzi
  • John Gilley
  • Mark Casada
  • Kaushlendra Tingi Singh


Journal of the ASABE Metrics (formerly "Transactions of the ASABE")

Impact Factor 1.2
5-Year Impact Factor 1.2
Cited Half-Life 1.4
Total Cites 175
Submission to first decision: 62 days (median)
Most Highly Cited