Sydney Ingeson


Sadie Stell


ITSC Community all

MS 23/7 Grain Harvesting

MS 23/14 Symbols, Display, Manuals

MS 54 Precision Agriculture

NRES Community all

STC 01 Policy and Procedure


ASE-134 Fertilizer and Soil Conditioners

MS - Machinery Systems Community with the exceptions noted under other Administrators

STC Standards and Technical Council

STC 02 International Standards


Britni Wall


Jean Walsh

ASE Community

ES Community all

ESH Community all

MS 23/3 Safety and Comfort

MS 58 Ag Equipment Autonomy

MS 60 Unmanned Aerial Systems


ASE 347 Data-driven agrifood systems

MS 23/6 Application Systems

MS 23/19 Agricultural Electronics

PAFS Community all

PRS Community all


National standards

A standard is a living document developed under a strict rule of openness and consensus. 

The use of standards in the U.S. is voluntary. They help self regulate industry and encourage cooperation and growth. All standards are reviewed every 5 years for relevance and accuracy and updated and revised as technology changes.

ASABE standards are developed by volunteers representing industry, academia, government agencies and concerned and interested citizens.  

  • ASABE has ~200 technical committees and working groups, many of which develop standards.
  • ASABE currently has ~280 published standards with approximately one half published as American National Standards.
  • There is a significant focus on national adoptions of ISO Standards in the agricultural machinery sector. 
  • ASABE welcomes participation in standards development.  Non-members may join ASABE standards committees but will not enjoy the full range of member benefits, which include access to published standards, technical publications, and the ASABE membership roster. Learn more about ASABE member benefits here.

To find out how to get involved with standards development, contact one of the ASABE Standards Administrators.

Outreach and Development

ASABE Communities

ASABE is organized into Communities representing the various impact areas of our membership. Technical committees and the standards they developed are aligned with these communities.

ESH - Ergonomics, Safety, and Health

EOPD - Education, Outreach, &Professional Development

ASE - Applied Science and Engineering

ITSC - Information Technology, Sensors and Controls 

ES - Energy Systems

MS - Machinery Systems

NRES – Natural Resources and Environmental Systems

PAFS – Plants, Animals, and Facility Systems

PRS – Processing Systems