Brumm, Flanagan, and Schueller Presented ASABE Gold Medals

Monday, August 05, 2024
Brumm, Flanagan, and Schueller Presented ASABE Gold Medals

Thomas Brumm, Dennis Flanagan, and John Schueller were recently presented ASABE's gold medal awards, among the highest honors bestowed by the Society. The awards were presented at a luncheon ceremony held during the 2024 ASABE Annual International Meeting, in Anaheim, California.

Click on links below for more biographical information.

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John K. Schueller, ASABE Fellow, isthe recipient of the 2024 Cyrus Hall McCormickJerome Increase Case Gold Medal for pioneeringresearch in yield mapping and other precision agriculture and agricultural machinery technologies.Schueller is a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and an affiliate professor of agricultural and biological engineering at the Universityof Florida. He conducts research on agriculturalequipment and other off-highway vehicles, precision agriculture, and manufacturing. His resultsare shared widely with stakeholders.  Full biography

The Cyrus Hall McCormick Jerome Increase Case Gold Medal Award is awarded “for exceptional and meritorious engineering achievement in agriculture.” 

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Dennis C. Flanagan, ASABE Fellow,
is the recipient of the 2024 John Deere Gold Medalfor worldwide contributions to soil erosion research,erosion prediction technology, and preservation ofnatural resources.Flanagan is a research agricultural engineerand lead scientist at the USDA-AgriculturalResearch Service – National Soil Erosion ResearchLaboratory (NSERL). He leads the NSERL’s researchproject on “Assessment of Sediment and ChemicalTransport Processes for Developing and ImprovingAgricultural Conservation Practices”. His researchdeals with soil erosion by water mechanics, erosioncontrol, and erosion prediction technology development. He is also the leader for the Water ErosionPrediction Project (WEPP) modeling efforts byUSDA, and works extensively with user agencies onimplementation and use of this process-based technology. Additionally, Flanagan holds an adjunct fullprofessor appointment at Purdue University in thedepartment of agricultural and biological engineering.  Full biography

The John Deere Gold Medal honors achievement through engineering for improved manipulation, use and conservation of soil-water resource, and that has resulted in applications of a new concept, product, art or science that advanced the development of agriculture. 

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Thomas J. Brumm is the recipient of the2024 Massey-Ferguson Educational Gold Medalfor being an active, engaged faculty member whoprovides high-quality educational and scholarlycontributions locally, nationally, and internationally.Brumm is the Mary and Charles Sukup GlobalProfessor in Food Security in the Department ofAgricultural and Biosystems Engineering at IowaState University. He is the department’s associatechair for teaching, the associate director for IowaState’s Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods, andholds leadership roles in faculty governance acrossthe university. He researches postharvest technologies for smallholder farmers in low-income countries. Before becoming a faculty member, Brummworked in the seed industry.  Full biography 

The Massey-Ferguson Educational Gold Medal honors those whose dedication to the spirit of learning and teaching in the field of agricultural engineering has advanced our agricultural knowledge and practice, and whose efforts serve as an inspiration to others.

ASABE is an international scientific and educational organization dedicated to the advancement of engineering applicable to agricultural, food, and biological systems.