ASABE Publishes Instructor Kit for Open Irrigation Textbook

Monday, May 09, 2022 12:00 AM
ASABE Publishes Instructor Kit for Open Irrigation Textbook

ASABE now offers an instructor kit to accompany its recently published Irrigation Systems Management textbook. 

The downloadable kit comprises lecture notes, in-class problems, lab and homework assignments, keys, quizzes with keys, exams with keys, and course syllabus. This kit is available for $200 and can be obtained by emailing A sample kit may be downloaded free of charge.

Already in use at universities across the globe, Irrigation Systems Management is an open educational textbook available for free download. The publication represents the culmination of course notes that have been in development and use for nearly 30 years at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and other land-grant universities. It is not an irrigation engineering design book: The authors purposely minimized the presentation of design steps and the supporting equations. The intended audience of the book is upper-level undergraduate students and graduate students who are pursuing degrees in agricultural or natural resource sciences.

Development of the textbook was supported by the ASABE Foundation’s Harold Pinches and Glenn Schwab Teaching Materials Fund, the Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute, and the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

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