July 2024

Special Edition — #ASABE24


From the Executive Director

Darrin Drollinger Headshot


It has been an incredible honor to serve as ASABE's executive director and work with you for the past 14 years. This week at the annual international meeting, in Anaheim, I shared my plans to retire from the stage and was deeply touched to receive a standing ovation. My decision has not been an easy one, and my wife, Beth, and I have been deliberating over for a long time. I will stay on for a transition period, and pledge my assistance to the organization’s new leader once selected.

Some of you are aware that my wife has a medical condition known as Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, or EDS. EDS is a rare spectrum disease mainly affecting connective tissue. When you see someone who is incredibly flexible or double jointed (think of individuals who can knot themselves up like a pretzel), odds are they have EDS. It's possible to have EDS and not have complications, symptoms, nor disease progression. Beth has not been so lucky. Since we moved to Saint Joseph, Michigan, 14 years ago, she has had eight surgeries. Most have been on her tendons with her shoulders and elbows. Last year, however, she was diagnosed with EDS having damaged the cartilage in her foot and had surgery to fuse it. About two months ago, she had another surgery on that same foot to remove some of the hardware, and hopefully relieve the daily pain she was experiencing.  So far, it looks promising.

What is the prognosis for her future mobility? It's anyone's guess. She and I have debated the expression: "Is the glass half empty, or half full?"  She's an optimist, and I'm an engineer . . . the glass is clearly twice as large as it needs to be!  And while we are incredibly blessed to be in the position to retire a bit earlier than envisioned, we plan to embrace that glass and enjoy her mobility to the fullest!

This is not my final column and watch for news on the executive director job posting coming soon. 

Darrin J. Drollinger
Executive Director


AIM 2024


2024 Annual International Meeting



#ASABE24 is in the books, and what a week it's been. In this issue of Inside ASABE, we're sharing a few photos of the event. We'll return to regular content in August.


Greetings from Anaheim!

It's been another superb international meeting. Highlights include CBS Day, an inspirational keynote address, induction of the Class of 2024 Fellows, recognition of the Society's meritorious achievers, competitions that allowed student excellence to shine, and literally hundreds of technical presentations and special sessions that have made this meeting one to remember.

The energy of the 2024 annual meeting will power us over the next year, and we look forward to seeing you in the beautiful, vibrant city of Toronto for #ASABE25.
Hats off to our volunteers, who welcomed attendees with good cheer and ensured a great meeting experience for all.
Robotics Team
This year's Robotics competition challenged teams to tend strawberry plants.
Keynote Speaker Jenn Donohue
Keynote speaker Jenn Donohue gave an inspiring talk, drawn from her naval and engineering experience, that left us all motivated and empowered to grow the leadership capabilities that lie within us all.
International Panel Discussion
A group discussion organized by E-03 IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access) elicited the thoughtful perspectives of ASABE's international community.
Order of the Ring inductees
This year's class of Order or the Ring inductees was ASABE's largest ever.
Bioprocess Startup Competition
The Bioprocess Startup competition sharpened workforce preparation by expanding student understanding of product development.
ASABE Foundation and Young Professionals Community hosted an exciting evening of camaraderie and competitive trivia, raising more than $4,000 for youth initiatives of the Foundation. The program included guest speaker Tony Castillo, leader of facilities for Disneyland, who shared his story of translating an agricultural engineering technology degree from Cal Poly into the management of several international Disney theme parks. That was followed by a game of trivia that aimed to "put the fun in fundraising" and was won by the team "Presidential Pardons," shown here. 
California cool: Fountain Wars provided hands-on engineering experience for students, as well as welcome respite from mid-summer heat.
ASABE Foundation leadership
Outgoing ASABE Foundation President Lalit Verma was thanked by Executive Director Darrin Drollinger (left) and incoming Foundation President Maury Salz (right).
Incoming President Doug Otto outlined his priorities for the coming year.
2024 Class of Fellows
Eleven individuals of high distinction were inducted in the 2024 class of ASABE Fellows.
AGCO Student Design competition
The AGCO Student Design competition elicited innovative solutions to agriculture-related problems.
War Eagle! Auburn University was well represented at the annual meeting.
Among the many individuals recognized at the awards luncheon, ASABE Fellow Dennis Flanagan was presented the John Deere Gold Medal, one of the Society's highest honors.
CBS Day highlighted CBS activities, presented goals and outcomes of multidisciplinary stakeholder workshops, and laid the groundwork for a CBS Summit in 2025 .
Newly elected student officers
Newly elected International Student Branch officers are eager to get to work.
A fraction of the AV equipment required for an ASABE annual international meeting.
YPC Photo Booth
Best face forward: The Young Professionals Community offered photography services for those in need of a professional portrait.

Please join us in thanking our sponsors

Get a jump on next year's meeting! To explore sponsorship opportunities for #ASABE25, contact Liz Metts


See You in Toronto for #ASABE25

Mark your calendar for July 13–16.
Dolores Landeck, Editor