
The ASABE Online Technical Library contains over 40,000 journal articles, meeting papers, standards, books and more. Student members have access using their member login. Many universities have purchased access for all students and staff.

To order textbooks, contact the Order Department. ASABE Preprofessional members receive discounts.

For descriptions, prices, and additional ordering information, go to the Amazon store.

Textbooks Online

Some of our textbooks are available online. See our Textbooks and Teaching Materials section.

We have new open access textbooks.

Teaching modules are also available.

Textbook Updates

Engine and Tractor Power, 4th edition


Textbook updates


Online Technical Library

The full text of current ASABE text and reference books (and many older ones) is available on the ASABE Online Technical Library. To view a list of the titles click on the Publications Included button on the site and page down to the textbook and monograph sections. You will find other publication categories listed that may be useful as teaching resources. If your university has a site license agreement with ASABE, you are authorized to duplicate (in print or electronic format) any of the materials on the site for classroom use without additional permissions. This permission does not apply if you are only able to access the documents using your membership login.

We have new open access textbooks.

Teaching modules are also available.

Print Textbooks

Descriptions and prices for ASABE textbooks and other reference materials are in our Amazon store or contact our order department for materials not available at Amazon. Also, see our full list of textbooks and monographs.

Teaching Module Project

A project was launched in the spring of 2009 to identify courses and topic areas that lack adequate teaching materials and to facilitate development of needed materials (such as complete texts, modules, auxiliary materials, lab exercises, etc.). A summary of the textbook topic survey results was compiled. Ongoing efforts are underway to coordinate the development of quality teaching materials to meet those needs. The cotton processing module and in our Technical Library.

Interested in Authoring a Textbook or Teaching Module?

For books, contact the Publications Department at ASABE Headquarters to submit a proposal to the P-515 Teaching and Learning Resources committee (member login required). For teaching modules, see for details. You may also want to acquire funding for a book to make it open access like the Introduction to Biosystems Engineering.