American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
Targeted access to 7,000 agricultural and biological engineers and related professionals. Non-members also have access to our content including Resource magazine, the Career Center, the Guide to Consultants, and, via site license, the Technical Library.
Contact: Publications, Phone 269-932-7019, Fax 269-429-3852,
Target your message to those who rely on what your business offers. ASABE members are found in more than 90 countries.
ASABE is recognized internationally for its technical leadership in all areas of biological, food and agricultural engineering, which include:
● Applied Sciences & Engineering |
● Machinery Systems |
● Education, Outreach & Professional Development |
● Natural Resources & Environmental Systems |
● Energy Systems |
● Plant, Animal & Facility Systems |
● Ergonomics Safety & Health |
● Processing Systems |
● Information Technology, Sensors & Control Systems |
Market your products and services to management and engineers responsible for making purchasing decisions and recommendations.
Resource is available to every member of ASABE and non-members worldwide. Readers turn to the magazine for industry-related information and trends.
Strategic placement to maximize exposure. Special placement within the publication ensures high visibility and relevancy for your advertisement. Your message can be strategically placed for maximum impact.
Advertisers, except for job openings, receive a free listing in our "Index of Advertisers".
A fully interactive digital edition of Resource is available via our website. Past issues are also posted online. Your ad may be viewed many times after it is published. The magazine is available to all on the internet.
ASABE offers advertising in Resource magazine (free to read), the monthly membership newsletter (emailed and online), the Guide to Consultants (Resource supplement, print and online), the Career Center for jobs, and the annual Member Roster (print).
If you wish to purchase a combination of several advertising formats at a discounted rate, please contact Ads in four or more Resource issues are already discounted.
Resource Magazine Advertising
Standard issues
Resource is published six times a year in both print and electronic formats. The magazine features trends, new technologies, issues, and applications related to agricultural and biological engineering. Resource is distributed to all ASABE members and student members. About 500 libraries and other institutions worldwide are also Resource subscribers. Individual articles are occasionally distributed to press lists or other public relations outlets to focus attention on agricultural and biological engineering.
AE50 Awards feature - Resource magazine selects and honors companies that have developed new products for the advancement of engineering technologies in agricultural, food, and biological systems. Review this example of the AE50 issue.
Resource Standard Rate Per Issue
Size |
Rate for 1 to 3 issues |
Rate for 4 to 6 issues |
Complimentary Copies |
Double Page Spread |
$ 3,000 |
$ 2,550 |
5 |
Full Page |
$ 1,500 |
$ 1,275 |
5 |
2/3 Page |
$ 1,100 |
$ 935 |
5 |
1/2 Island |
$ 900 |
$ 765 |
5 |
1/2 Page |
$ 800 |
$ 680 |
5 |
1/3 Page |
$ 650 |
$ 550 |
5 |
1/4 Page |
$ 550 |
$ 475 |
5 |
Special Issues
Capstone magazine - This special issue is published every three years as one of the six Resource issues. The most recent issue is September 2022 and the next issue will be September 2025. The focus is on one of the most rewarding and valuable experiences in a student's college career: the capstone or senior project. Guest edited by Steve Zahos, the spotlight is on senior projects that encourage critical thinking, problem solving, and work/life skills at universities where ABE is thriving. Copies are distributed via Discover Engineering Family Day in Washington, D.C., the FFA National Convention, requests for career materials from individuals and teachers, and other outreach. Order form.
Discover magazine – This special issue is published every three years as one of the six Resource issues. The most recent issue is September 2024 and the next issue will be September 2027. Discover spotlights schools and students that are leading the way and promotes agricultural and biological engineering to prospective students. It explores the academic, industry internship, and foreign study opportunities that are available. In addition, it highlights students and job newcomers with interesting backgrounds and résumés and provides up-to-date career possibilities and job scenarios. Copies are distributed via Discover Engineering Family Day in Washington, D.C., the FFA National Convention, requests for career materials from individuals and teachers, and other outreach. Order form.
Explore magazine - This special issue is published every three years as one of the six Resource issues. The most recent issue is September 2023 and the next issue will be September 2026. Explore where careers in agricultural technology and systems management can take you. It is designed to showcase the opportunities in this growing field. In addition, it highlights students and job newcomers with interesting backgrounds and résumés and provides up-to-date career possibilities and job scenarios. Copies are distributed via Discover Engineering Family Day in Washington, D.C., the FFA National Convention, requests for career materials from individuals and teachers, and other outreach. Order form.
Rates below are primarily intended for universities that advertise in these special issues but can be used for any issue. These rates provide additional copies for distribution.
Resource Special Edition Rate Per Issue
Size |
Rate |
Complimentary Copies |
Full Page |
$ 1,800 |
300 |
1/2 Page |
$ 1,100 |
200 |
1/4 Page |
$ 700 |
100 |
Guide to Consultants - supplement
Current issue.
Guide to Consultants and services – Published as an additional separate supplement to the May/June issue of Resource. The Guide reaches potential clients who contact ASABE requesting assistance to find a consultant. Agricultural engineering consultants and biological engineering consultants can provide expert assistance with complex issues. It can be difficult to find a specialist with the years of experience, education, and professional engineering credentials they have to offer.
The Guide will appear on the ASABE website for approximately 12 months at no additional charge. You may also publish your business card in The Guide, and other issues of the magazines along with the annual Member Roster. See the most recent issue.
To advertise, return this order form or email
Guide To Consultants Rates
Publication |
Format |
Cost & Publishing |
Guide to Consultants |
Listing |
$100 |
Guide to Consultants |
Business card |
$100 Guide only |
Resource magazine - under Professional Listings |
Business card |
$300 for all 6 issues beginning with, (2025: May, Jul, Sep, Nov, 2026: Jan, Mar) |
Member Roster |
Business card |
$140 (November) |
Resource magazine |
Your ad copy |
See the Resource Media Kit for a separate form |
Inside ASABE Newsletter Advertising – Email and Online
Inside ASABE is published monthly and distributed to ASABE members. Issues are emailed and then posted and archived online for public access. See an example newsletter.
Publication-ready advertisements in the form of a single image are accepted. Images should be 150 dpi in JPG format. The image may be linked to your website. Ad will be placed at or below the center of the newsletter.
Images should be 650 pixels wide and no more than 600 pixels in height.
Rate: $750 per issue; $600 for four or more consecutive issues.
For further information, please contact Dolores Landeck at or 269-932-7039.
Career Center for Jobs – Online
A free web listing at the ASABE Career Center is included with purchase of the print listing.
Employers seeking engineers who are experienced in agricultural, food, biological, or related engineering fields can find the perfect candidate by advertising in the Professional Opportunities section of Resource magazine.
For jobs printed in the Resource "Professional Opportunities" section, postings are also listed for 30 days free online and tweeted. Listing can begin online within three business days of final approval. You may make the online ad larger than the print ad at no additional cost. Prices start at $420.
Advertisements are $140 per column inch length (column width is 3.5 inches) and include publication in both Resource magazine and online at the ASABE Career Center for 30 days. The price of an ad is determined after we receive it and format it in our style. To qualify for the free online listing, the minimum ad size is 3 inches (approximately 150 words). If the insertion order is for two issues, the cost is $125 per column inch per insertion and includes a 60-day free online listing. Classified ads are non-commissionable. See this example of the ad in Resource.
Resource is published in January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, November/December. The deadline for ad copy to be received at ASABE is four weeks before the issue's publishing date. Ads are posted on the website within three business days of final approval.
To put your job listing in Resource magazine and on the ASABE Career Center site, send the text of your ad via email to Melissa Miller. For more information, phone 269-932-7017 or fax 269-429-3852. The formatted ad and cost will be faxed to you for final approval, so be sure to include your fax number.
Member Roster
Published annually in the fall, you can publish your business card or other advertising similar to Resource. Print form only and available exclusively to members.
Member Roster Advertising Rates
Publication |
Format |
Cost & Publishing |
Member Roster |
Business Card |
$140 (Nov) |
Member Roster |
Other Opportunities |
See Resource standard issue rates above |
Print Advertising Specifications
Rates for black and white and full color are the same cost per issue. Resource is an 8.375" x 10.875" saddle-stitched, full-color magazine published six times per year.
Resource Due Dates for Each Issue
2025 Issues |
Space Reservation |
Ad Due Date |
Mail Date |
Jan/Feb |
Nov 26 |
Nov 26 |
Jan 3 |
Mar/Apr |
Jan 28 |
Jan 28 |
Mar 8 |
May/Jun |
Apr 1 |
Apr 1 |
May 10 |
Jul/Aug |
Jun 3 |
Jun 3 |
Jul 12 |
Sep/Oct |
Jul 29 |
Jul 29 |
Sep 13 |
Nov/Dec |
Sep 30 |
Sep 30 |
Nov 8 |
Premium advertising positions and editorial adjacencies are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. All space reservations require a completed insertion order received on or before the sales close date. Invoices are mailed when the issue arrives at ASABE.
Magazine Ad Sizes
Resource Ad Sizes
Size |
Width (inches) |
Height (inches) |
DPS Bleed |
17” |
11.125” |
DPS Trim |
16.5” |
10.875” |
DPS Live Area |
15.417” |
9.5” |
Full Page Bleed |
8.625” |
11.125” |
Full Page Trim |
8.375” |
10.875” |
Full Page Live Area |
7” |
9.5” |
2/3 Hz. |
7” |
6.333” |
2/3 Vt. |
4.583” |
9.5” |
½ Hz. |
7” |
4.583” |
½ Vt. |
4.583” |
7” |
½ Long Vt. |
3.333” |
9.5” |
1/3 Hz. |
7” |
3” |
1/3 Vt. |
2.166” |
9.5” |
1/3 Sq. |
4.583” |
4.583” |
¼ Hz. |
4.583” |
3.333” |
¼ Vt. |
3.333” |
4.583” |
Note: Text placed outside the live area within any full-page or DPS ads may be cut off. Please keep text within the live area.
Artwork Requirements
All digital color and grayscale artwork must be supplied at 300 dpi. Line art must be supplied at 600 dpi. High-res PDF, EPS, TIFF, and high-res JPEG files are accepted.
All color artwork must be in CMYK Mode, black and white artwork must be in either grayscale or bitmap mode.
RGB Mode artwork is not accepted and if supplied will be converted to CMYK Mode which will result in a color shift.
All screen and printer fonts as well as linked images must be supplied if not embedded in the file.
Send ad material to Melissa Miller at
Membership Demographics
The following information represents data as of 12/31/2021. Membership consists of approximately 6,500 full members and 1,000 student members. About 80% of members are in the United States, 8% in Canada, and 12% in other countries. The average age is 51. Women represent 13% of members, 31% of students, and 16% overall.
Membership Demographics
Group |
Percentage |
Notes |
Industry |
50% |
Includes agribusiness, consultant, distributor, farm producer, component manufacturer, equipment manufacturer, processor, supplier |
Academia |
36% |
Includes university/school, library |
Public Service |
14% |
Includes experiment station, government agency |
Undeclared |
Data as of 3/27/2025