P-515 Teaching and Learning Resources Committee

Adopted 11/8/2024

This translation policy applies to open-access ASABE textbooks which have been published with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Translations of these textbooks into other languages are encouraged to make the textbooks available for widespread use.

One of these textbooks (or a portion of the textbook) may be translated into another language under the following conditions:

  • ASABE must be notified about the translation project (see email address below).
  • The translated textbook must be licensed under the same or equivalent license as the original textbook (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
  • A digital copy of the translated textbook must be available online without cost.
  • The translators must notify ASABE of the internet address for the online version of the translated textbook.
  • A hard copy of the textbook may also be printed.
  • Hard copies may be sold at cost to cover the cost of printing; sales may not be used to recoup the cost of the process of translation.
  • The translated textbook may not be used for commercial use, i.e., not “primarily intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or monetary compensation” (NonCommercial, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
  • The translated textbook must include the following disclaimer in the front matter: “The original authors are not responsible for the translated version of the textbook, including the quality of the translation, errors from the translation process, or implied messages in the translated textbook.”
  • The translated textbook must not “remix, transform, or build upon” the original textbook (No Derivatives, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0); however, the translators may add appendices with new material (e.g., material relevant to local or regional irrigation).
  • Proper attribution must be given to ASABE and the authors (BY in the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
  • The ASABE logo must not be used for the translated textbook. ASABE does not provide a formal endorsement for a translated version of an ASABE textbook.
  • The translator may use tools such as generative AI to assist with the process of translating; however, the translator is responsible to review the translation to ensure its accuracy and credibility.
  • All images in the textbook must be under the same license as the textbook (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
  • If an image caption in the original book includes attribution (e.g., “photo courtesy of…”), then the image caption in the translated textbook must also include the attribution.

Any inquiries should be sent to publications@asabe.org.