
Our peer-review system depends on having qualified and willing reviewers. To volunteer to review:

  1. Log in to or create your ScholarOne account (co-authors have accounts using their emails). You may need to "manage cookie preferences" first in order to proceed.
  2. Click on your name at the top of the page.
  3. Choose "User ID & Password" from the drop down menu.
  4. Fill-in the "Keywords" section. These words are used for reviewer searches.
  5. Fill-in the "Specialty/Area of Expertise". Include one or more technical community codes such as "MS rev" or "NRES rev", along with your more specific areas of interest such as grain storage, aerobic treatment, or center pivot irrigation.

Thank you for providing quality, timely reviews. We appreciate your willingness to help in the journal review process. Sharing your expertise to help authors improve their manuscript is important to the scholarly publication process.

When selected as a reviewer, you will receive an email message from the associate editor asking you to review a specific manuscript. The email will contain a link to view the document and a review form to complete. Training for peer-review is free using Web of Science Academy, but you must create an account. You may also choose to have Web of Science track your reviews via integration with ScholarOne.

Community Editors and Associate Editors are members of committees. The Editor in Chief and Community Editors are members of the P-511 Journal Editorial Board. For the complete editor list, see the Community Editors and Associate editors for the publication committees of each community (ASE-05, EOPD-04, ES-04, ITSC-04, MS-04, NRES-05, PAFS-05, and PRS-04).